Your supportive tutors will nurture your individual talents to help you achieve success. You will receive constructive feedback on your assignments as you progress through the course which is essential to developing your graphic design skills.
Our tutor community includes hundreds of talented professionals with both local and international credentials. Here is a sample to illustrate the depth of creative experience that Academy students benefit from:
Diane Richardson
Diane Richardson is the current District 91 (London and Southern England and South Wales) Director for Toastmasters International, a worldwide Not-for-Profit organisation that helps its members develop their own public speaking, presentation, and leadership skills. She has a wealth of experience supporting businesses to improve their brand reputation. Diane is a graphic designer specialising in brand development and training clients in design thinking techniques. She also Art Directed a communications group at Amnesty International when leading their transformational worldwide brand and communications strategy. Diane has qualifications in business, photography, and graphic design and worked as a graphic designer at several leading design consultants in London and New York, including Wolff Ollins, Landor Associates, MPL and Siegal + Gale.
Zam Faiz
Zam is an accomplished Head of Design with a portfolio brimming with international clients and projects that span the UK, Europe, the Middle East, and the Asia Pacific region. With over 20 years of experience, Zam has worked across everything from branding, exhibition and motion graphics to packaging and both digital and print design. He has won international pitches and has trained, mentored and inspired multidisciplinary designers and copywriters in international award-winning agencies. He is an experienced FE/HE lecturer who has designed curriculums and managed internationally accredited programmes. As a design educator, Zam finds fulfillment in empowering people to excel in the ever-evolving world of graphic design.
Sam Baker
Sam is a visual communicator with over 15 years of experience as an in-house designer in the education, financial, retail and public sectors, producing everything from packaging and brochures to animation, video-editing and photography. Sam worked for three years at the University of Manchester as a design manager and head of brand, working within the Centre for Further Education. He has worked at numerous levels for national and international clients and is passionate about helping businesses to grow their brands through the power of visually arresting work.
Chris Seed
Chris is a graphic designer who has been working in the industry for 14 years. During his career he has worked in-house for large brands, within a large team delivering digital projects, and as part of a creative team within an advertising agency. He currently runs a successful freelance design studio where he works across a range of visual communication disciplines in order to service charities, ethical companies and the education sector. Chris’ passion for design revolves around communicating visually with clarity and simplicity. This passion is instilled into each one of his client projects.